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How long until these materials are in classrooms?

Legislators this year provided over $500 million to school districts to purchase high-quality materials that have been approved by the SBOE. The SBOE will spend the next six months working with the TEA to finalize the review process. After this, teachers in classrooms across the state will review materials and work with the SBOE to decide which materials meet quality standards. Once this has been completed (around mid-2025), public schools can use their funding to purchase materials for the 2025-2026 school year.

What about Open Education Resources?

Open Education Resources are curricular materials provided by TEA to Texas schools free of charge. HB 1605 requires TEA to provide OER for core subjects in key grades, including reading and math for Pre-K to 8th grade. This OER will go through the IMRA process and be required to meet the high bar of high-quality instructional materials standards.

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